Fashion has evolved from not only being on the runaways and magazines, but now it’s all over social media! Ever wondered what it’s like to have your own show at fashion week? Noémie Jouas is a 23 year old self-taught, sustainable fashion designer who just had her London Fashion Week debut and brought her audience along with her on both Instagram and TikTok.
According to a recent interview on the Unfiltered Fashion Talks podcast, she initially started her TikTok about 2 years ago, because she was inspired by other sowing and designing videos on TikTok. As well, she stated that her social media serves as her scrapbook. Recently, she even started her own YouTube channel. She’s going to have some more shows this spring, so make sure to follow her along on her journey!

Written by: Grace Jones
Creative: Sarah Burke
Editorial: Grace Jones, Karishma Ramkarran
Operations: Lilly Valladares-Macias