Absolutely, to me “girls can do anything” means endless opportunities and no boundaries
Heaven Lee
Girls Rock Santa Barbara is collaborating with the iconic Parisian ready-to-wear clothing and accessories brand, Zadig&Voltaire! While Girls Rock SB has worked with them in the past, the “Girls Can Do Anything” campaign highlights incredible artists and the organization’s very own youth-led record label and internship, Syryn Records.
During Women’s History Month (March), 10% of all US full-price sales from the brand’s boutiques and online store will go to programs like this one! To celebrate this collaboration, Girls Rock SB teamed up Zadig&Voltaire for a photoshoot last Monday & Tuesday. Here’s how it went.
Everyone involved in the shoot immediately became fast friends, and that’s what made the day so efficient and more importantly fun!

The Sunset Strip Zadig&Voltaire boutique was perfect for this with its white walls and lots of light. From the store turned studio to simple styling, makeup, and hair, these elements let the artists take the spotlight! All these artists are somehow connected to Girls Rock SB because they want to inspire young artists. One is even signed to Syryn Records, and their unique personalities shine in through these photos…

Not all girls get the encouragement that I did from my parents, so I want to be that for them
Nicole Fiorentino
Nicole rearranged her schedule to do this photoshoot. When she was growing up, she used to watch the bassist, Melissa Auf der Maur in Smashing Pumpkins, and she really wanted to do what she did. Nicole got to do what she did, and she hopes to inspire someone like that! If you haven’t already, check out her band, Bizou.

I actually loved all parts of the photo shoot. Everyone was so skilled and so gracious. I loved Andre the hair stylist, Leo the Zadig stylist, Sasha the makeup artist, and Arna the photographer, who made me 100% comfortable on set. The whole thing was a blast, but wearing the Zadig&Voltaire clothing might have been my favorite.
Louise Post

Arna told me her trick for capturing great photos is “putting the person in their environment” like she did with Nicole and her bass. It just enhances who they already are. She used 6 cameras for this shoot (2 digital, 3 film, and 1 disposable), which is so cool! Her preference is film, but with fast turn around she turns to digital. The disposable camera came to be because Arna liked how the photos turned out from camp. All of this just illustrates how important the shoot was to her! Follow Arna to see more of her incredible work!!
On the other hand, photographer and concert enthusiast Gracie shot more of the behind the scenes. She has been going to Girls Rock SB’s Amplify Sleep Away camp for a long time, and now she works more on zine side of Girls Rock SB. As well, keep an eye out during concerts, because she might be on that very stage taking photos! Follow Gracie to see more of her photography!

Elayna and Sasha stayed more on the simple side with the makeup. For Elayna, she used Charlotte Tilbury makeup. As well, Andre did the hair on the more natural side with a little umph.
When the talent went to take photos, Elayna, Sasha, and Andre were there to do touchups on both days. Andre was even armed with a Mikita blower to act as a wind effect on the hair! Check out more of Elayna, Sasha, and Andre’s amazing hair and makeup looks!

The styling was more on the simpler side, too. The outfit’s function was to enhance the shirt and the talent, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun with it! Leo, Melanie, and Olympia created impeccable looks! Long-time friends, Leo and Melanie explained the difference between styling television and film and a photoshoot like this one, because that is primarily what Leo styles. With TV and film, the stylist can play a lot more and let their creative flag fly. Not to mean you can’t be creative with photoshoots, but it’s more of a set look. They also said that women are more fun to style, because there are so many more details to play with.
Olympia, what was your favorite part of the shoot?
“Seeing the artists come into their own.”
Acting in a producer capacity for the shoot, she said that there wasn’t something like this when she was growing up, but she wish there was. For this reason, she joined some of her other coworkers in creating the “Art is Hope” campaign which includes this collaboration. During COVID, it was hard to have hope, and through this campaign, they “provide light during an uncertain time” by showcasing “creative minds.”
Keep up with Zadig&Voltaire to see what these three do next!

Jess and Jen are definitely the connecting thread behind this shoot. Jess said that it all just came together, but if it wasn’t for them none of this could be possible! If you want to see more of Jen, Jess, and Girls Rock Santa Barbara, ← click here. As well, check out Syryn Records.
The photoshoot was a success, and the coolest thing about this shoot was the magic of everyone uniting to inspire all young artists out there. During the shoot, it was so wonderful to see Charley’s dad help set up and Mihret Knuth’s and Ciel Choi’s moms cheer them on! Everyone involved is so talented, so you should definitely follow them on their adventures!! You can buy your own “Girls Can Do Anything” shirt right here!
I always love working with Girls Rock SB.
Zella Day

Written by:
Grace Jones