Posted on: July 3, 2020 Posted by: GRL Mag Comments: 0

It was 2014, I had just turned 10 and was getting ready for one of my first and last birthday parties. I had accomplished a lot this year including my grandma from my mom’s side getting more sick and had ended up passing the year after.

My grandma from my dad’s side had been the one to hold the party for me. She had been finding props and decorations for my party; when she found a teacup with my birthday month on it.

Throughout that year and the next year and used that teacup as a symbol of a happy time. Even though I was going through a lot, I knew that I would be able to overcome it. I was still growing up and I still am but during that time I felt like I matured 10 years.

I went through many people that I loved physically leave this earth.

The teacup will forever symbol a happy and hard time for me.

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