Posted on: July 30, 2021 Posted by: Ava Roker Comments: 0

Today, we all are consumed by our phones. We can spend hours scrolling through social media and checking our apps. But, here at Amplify we put our phones down for a week and spend some time learning about music, out in nature.

For me, this was a big deal because I spend so much time on my phone, scrolling through Tik Tok, watching TV, and listening to music. Putting down my phone was definitely going to be difficult because my phone is where I get most of my connection to the outside world from. The idea of putting it down scared me because I had no idea what I would miss. I am not going to lie, there are some things I miss a lot about my phone and throughout the camp week, I’ve been spending time wondering what I’ve missed. 

But, I found that a week away from phones also had many positive benefits, actually going outside more was really nice. I found I had more energy and was more motivated to socialize and get things done. Pretty much every teen I know is addicted to their phones, including me, so I thought that doing some research on what a break from people’s main entertainment source can do to them.  That is why I asked 5 campers how their personal experience has been without phones, this is what they answered. 

Ella answered, “It’s been difficult to receive letters asking how you’ve been doing, but to not be able to respond immediately.” 

Abby says, “It’s been nice for a break from social media, but the most difficult part has been not being able to listen to music.” 

Tatum answered, “I miss being able to talk to my friends and check my apps, but other than that it hasn’t been too bad.”

 Ryan says, “It hasn’t been too bad but I miss listening to music and talking to my friends because I feel dependent on that.” 

Kelly says, “The break from my phone has helped me be more aware of my surroundings, but at the same time I feel dependent on it so it feels weird to not have it.”  

These interviews showed that  a week away from phones can make you more aware of your surroundings and a break from the pressures of social media can relieve so much stress, a week away from phones can help you get outside more and meet more people. But phones also have benefits, like contacting friends and family, and listening to music. They offer a connection to the outside world that you can’t get anywhere else.

For me personally, a break from my phone changed a lot more for me than I expected. First, I noticed the way I interacted with others changed. Usually when it comes to interacting with others I will just scroll on my phone aimlessly instead of actually talking to people. Without my phone, I didn’t have anything else to do and I found myself actually picking up conversations with people. My habits also changed, when I have my phone and I’m bored, I’ll usually find myself using my phone, even if that makes me even more bored. And even though my thoughts changed, I actually found that I was less nervous and anxious. Social media can add a sort of pressure to your thoughts, I find myself leaning away from originality when I’m on my phone and caring more about what others think. Overall, everyone’s experience away from phones is different, some people will have bad experiences but I noticed a lot of positive changes and will be putting my phone down more in the future. 

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