She Shreds’ 1 Riff a day challenge is where women, men and gender expansive people participate in playing their instrument of choice for a whole month. It is up to the participant to make their own goals for the month. For some people it might be picking up the guitar a couple times a week or for others it might be playing the guitar every single day. The 1 Rad challenge welcomes all skill levels and no doubt you will feel supported by the 1 rad community every step of the way.
This was my first year participating in the 1 riff a day challenge. I have known about she shreds media for years but this year I wanted to spark creativity and get out of the creative drought I have been in for a while. Not only that, I wanted to connect with other amazing musicians and discover new music.
I had to pick up my guitar everyday in March because I was preparing for a show and I have been recording for my band Negative Fauna’s debut EP. I played mostly riffs and melodies I have already created and I played some covers as well. Although I didn’t come up with new material during 1RAD, it did make me appreciate what I have created. For some reason the last day of 1 Rad was the toughest for me because I felt pressured for my last video to be the “best.” But that went away quickly because the She Shred’s 1 RAD community is supportive of everyone and open to different styles of music.
It is important for me to support independent musicians and highlight their talent. So I chose 5 of my favorite participants of 1 RAD. They all have unique styles of playing the bass and guitar. Make sure to check out their social media and the Spotify playlist featuring these musicians and other cool songs.