Lastly, we have Leïla Baillot, 22 year old guitarist from Paris. She was one of the top 10 finalists in this year’s 1RAD. Leïla composes, heavy yet catchy rock riffs. She creates intriguing chord progressions that shift modes throughout and it takes the listener on an awe-inspiring musical journey.
How did you find out about 1 rad and what made you want to participate?
I had known about She Shreds Media for a few years, and so I was aware of the 1 riff a day challenge. But what made me want to enter was seeing female musicians I knew participate. I would listen to what they played every day, and I was very impressed by the performance and the stamina of the contestants. I was aware of how big of a challenge it is. I felt, at the same time, excited, and admiring the women and non-binary musicians that took part in the challenge, but also doubting my own capability to succeed.
When did you start playing guitar?
I started playing around 8 years old, I think.
What was your 1 rad experience like and what was your personal goal for 1 Rad?
This is a very intense challenge. For the first three weeks, I was very motivated and inspired. During the day, I thought about melodies while working, daydreaming about different techniques and styles. I couldn’t wait to go home to experiment. I would think about it constantly, every time I posted a riff, I thought “Cool, I managed to find a riff today” and five minutes later, “now I got to find tomorrow’s.”
It was very fast-paced and didn’t really allow any room for doubts. It was during the final week that I really started to feel the strain and lacked inspiration. But seeing the other contestants helped, their motivation and creativity gave me strength, and I’m so happy to have found them and to have lived this experience with them. I had set goals for myself, being more disciplined, try and compose by myself, and discover my own creative process by pushing my limits.
“I often start by jamming with a chord sequence, or just fundamental note, and try to progressively find a melody. The goal is to find a compromise between closed chords and the bare melody. I also try to play without stopping even not knowing where I’m going. That’s how I stumble on licks that I would’ve never thought of, which is interesting.”
Who were some of your favorite 1 Rad participants this year?
Ow there is many. I remember being very impressed by @annamacan riffs, she uses tapping in a very math rock register. There’s also @kimcgibbons. Her riffs are darker and more gradual, I like their way of playing.
Which artist/band inspires your playing?
I don’t think I have a specific set of inspiration, they tend to evolve a lot. Right now I’m listening to a lot of math rock, like Toe, Covet, and Polyphia. But I always find my way back to a more rock register like Idles, Elephant Tree or Lysistrata to name a few. And folk bands like Big Thief, Aldous Harding, and Ohtis.
Could you tell me more about Heu?
Yes! HEU is a Folk band with a “Big Thief/Pj Harvey” vibe. At first it was a solo project for the lead singer, but for a year and a half it has become a band (bass, drums, guitars and voice). We’re in the middle of a creative period working towards an EP. We put out two live session last year that are available on youtube.
Otherwise you can find us on instagram https://www.instagram.com/heumusique/ and facebook https://www.facebook.com/heursatz (and maybe you’ll catch me knitting between two shows…)
You can check out Leïla’s band and instagram below.
@heumusique & @umfxdykzo